Screenshot captor
Screenshot captor

screenshot captor


  • Sidebar thumbnail file browser provides full shell operations, drag and drop support, and right-click actions on screenshots.
  • Unsurpassed support for 3rd party user configurable tools, including file browsers and image editors extend the program to do whatever you need by interfacing it with other programs.
  • Each mode has a customizable hotkey for quick access.
  • Unsurpassed multi-monitor support and lots of capture modes: Multimon (multiple monitors), Desktop, Active Window, Region, Windows.
  • screenshot captor screenshot captor

    Ability to embed textual comments in files or add attractive captions to images and printouts. My primary (and only) screen capture tool has been Microsofts Snipping Tool.Smart autonaming of files, easy renaming and format conversion automatic image file versioning.Great special effects, including automatic active window enhancement, ragged edge splicing, pixelation, smart text removal, and many more.Screenshot Captor is software that allows you to consider screenshots altogether or part thereof. Ready-made screenshots can be quickly edited (crop, paint over, add arrows, captions or text). Screenshot Tool - captures entire websites and user areas. The most powerful scrolling capture tool in the field. Screenshot Captor Download Free 2022 Latest Version. Innovative screenshot tool lets users capture and edit any images that show up on their screens Take stunning screenshots of entire websites and capture page elements.Perfect capture of Windows 7 partial transparency effects.Full set of scanner acquisition tools and scanner image correction.New optional quick-capture docking bar and post-capture action dialog.Take snapshots from webcams record video with the ESR addon.It has multimonitor support and includes a full image explorer with full shell functionality and. Easy automatic or on-demand uploading of screenshots to image hosting services easy emailing of screenshots to your friends and colleagues. Screenshot Captor is designed for grabbing lots of screenshots with minimal intervention.Super easy to add and edit callout arrows and text boxes.Optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention stays out of your way until you need it.Screenshot Captor is a good tool for grabbing, manipulating, annotating, and sharing screenshots.


    Yes, Screenshot Captor is safe to install on Windows 10.

    Screenshot captor